Outward Bound Relay 2005

I ran as a member of Team Pathways in the 2005 Outward Bound Relay. The teammates in van one were Steven Shea, Kristen Adams, Melissa O'Connor, Jeremy Vincent, and Jill Howard. The teammates in van two were Steven Lane, John Shea, David Fifield, Carissa Lane, and Laura Venner.
Jeremy and David at the start.
I think this was a reenactment of Tron.
Laura and the lion at the first van exchange.
Steve takes the handoff.
John Shea gets ready.
Here I am at the beginning...
...and end of my first and hardest leg.
Most of the teams hanging out at the second van exchange.
Van one chilling.
Carissa gets ready.
The members of van two, sans Carissa.
Melissa and Laura at the finish.
The swimming pool afterwards.
See also the Wild West Relay from this year.