Nabi2013a The Anatomy of Web Censorship in Pakistan Investigates web censorship in Pakistan in 2013. Used a publicly known blacklist as test set: (They filtered the list down to 307 entries.) Tested on 5 different networks in Pakistan. Wrote a custom script to do name resolution and HTTP requests. Over half of the sites on the test set were blocked by DNS (spoofed NXDOMAIN); less than 2% were additionally blocked by HTTP (injected 302 redirect). They caught a change in the censorship infrastructure in April 2013. After the change, injected HTTP redirects because a static block page (status code 200). According to their survey, the most-used circumvention systems are public VPNs at 45% (Hotspot Shield and Spotflux). Verkamp2012a Inferring Mechanics of Web Censorship Around the World This paper studies censorship mechanism in 11 countries using planet lab nodes and through personal contacts. It focuses on “how” censorship is conducted. Censorship techniques vary across countries. Some have overt block pages; some do not. China is the only country to do per–TCP flow state tracking. They divide censorship mechanisms into three components: trigger, location, and execution. Triggers are e.g. hostnames or keywords; locations are e.g. DNS servers or routers; and executions are e.g. dropping packets or serving a block page. Sfakianakis2011a CensMon: A Web Censorship Monitor The goal of this paper is to detect censored content and filtering techniques used by the censor. It describes a system called CensMon that is built on PlanetLab. As opposed to e.g. Herdict, it does not rely on voluntary user submissions. The paper is more about the design of the system than about results. Ran for 14 days in 2011 with nodes in 33 countries. Found 193 blocked domain–country pairs (176 of them in China). Used e.g. Google Hot Trends and Twitter to seed the URL list. Found blocking mechanisms across all nodes: 18.2% DNS manipulation 33.3% IP blocking 48.5% HTTP filtering Seems not deployed on a continuing basis. Park2010a Empirical Study of a National-Scale Distributed Intrusion Detection System: Backbone-Level Filtering of HTML Responses in China A measurement of blocking based on keywords in HTTP responses by the Great Firewall between August 2008 and August 2009. They argue that filtering (RST injection) of HTTP responses is difficult, compared to filtering of HTTP requests. They speculate that it is for this reason that the GFW apparently discontinued filtering of responses some time between August 2008 and January 2009. (Filtering of HTTP *requests* continued.) RST injection is inexact; it worked only 51% of the time in their tests. Predicting sequence numbers once the connection is well underway is harder than doing so after only the first packet--this is the key difference between request filtering and response filtering. Used open web proxies inside China (47 locations); made requests from outside to a proxy inside and then back out to a server outside. The GFW improved its RST injection during the study, removing TTL anomalies that previously existed (Section III-C). There is evidence of diurnal patterns; i.e., perhaps injection boxes get overloaded at times of high traffic. Adjacent IPs can see drastically different levels of censor effectiveness; perhaps because of "traffic engineering" that causes different IPs even in the same subnet to end up in different buckets (for example, different routes or DPI boxes). They ran a separate experiment to measure statefulness of detection of GET requests. In 2 of 10 servers they found that the firewall responded to a naked GET (as in Clayton2006a), and in 8 of 10 cases it required an established TCP connection (as in Crandall2007a). Aryan2013a Internet Censorship in Iran: A First Look Did experiments during the two months before the June 2013 presidential election. Had one vantage point at one ISP. They tried accessing the top 500 Alexa sites. They found these blocking methods: Host header and keyword filtering, DNS hijacking, and throttling. Filtering by Host header and keyword is the usual method of blocking. DNS hijacking (to a blackhole IP address) is only active for three domains:,, and Protocols are throttled, apparently by a protocol whitelist. HTTP and HTTPS reached 85–89% of theoretical performance, while SSH reached only 15%. Randomized protocols (like obfsproxy) were throttled to near zero 60 seconds into the connection. Additionally, home Internet speeds are limited to 128 KB/s. The firewall is capable of dropping packets. Khattak2013a Towards Illuminating a Censorship Monitor's Model to Facilitate Evasion Evaluate the Great Firewall from the perspective that it is a NIDS or traffic monitor. Only looked at TCP, not e.g. DNS. Looked for ways to evade detection that are expensive for the censor to repair. They find that the GFW is stateful, but tracks only client-to-server state. The GFW is vulnerable to a variety of TCP- and HTTP-based evasion techniques, such as overlapping fragments, TTL-limited packets, and URL encodings, some easy to fix and some not; some receiver-dependent and some not. Winter2012a How the Great Firewall of China is Blocking Tor Focuses on the GFW's capabilities against Tor. Reports dynamic blocking of bridges since October 2011. Had bridges in Singapore, Sweden, and Russia; as well as open proxies and a VPS in China. Tor directory authorities are blocked by IP. Blocking of bridges is by IP:port. Blocks persist only as long as scanners are able to continuously connect to them. Provoked active probing by simulating Tor connections to a bridge, and collected 3295 scans over 17 days. Over half of scans come from The remainder seemingly came from ISP pools. The GFW may be spoofing IPs because the TTLs on probe packets are different than the measured TTLs some minutes after the probe. Active probing is initiated every 15 minutes and each burst lasts for about 10 minutes. Clayton2006a Ignoring the Great Firewall of China Observe that the GFW is symmetric: blocks outside-to-inside traffic the same as inside-to-outside. Sent keyword-carrying ("falun") requests. Observed injected RSTs (both directions) and forged SYN/ACK (to desynchronize the ACK counter). After initial keyword-caused blocking, all further requests (even those without keywords) to the same server are blocked for a period of time by injected RST. Ignoring RSTs (on both ends) is a mostly effective means of circumvention. They find that GFW-injected packets are easy to identify because of their weird TTLs and other features. Firewall devices at different border points do not share blocking state. The firewall does not do reassembly: splitting a keyword across packets hides it. Blocking is by top 7 bits of port number (blocks of 128 port numbers). Repeated scanning from may IPs found many unexplained failures to block. Anonymous2014a Towards a Comprehensive Picture of the Great Firewall's DNS Censorship Examines DNS injection by the GFW. Examines the structure of the DNS injector (individual nodes operate in clusters of several hundred processes that collectively inject censored responses). Localizes the location of the DNS monitors (happens only at China's borders). Extracts a blacklist of keywords (around 15,000 of them). DNS injection in China was first reported in 2002 (Dong2002a); in 2007 it was a keyword filter with up to 8 fake reply IPs; in this work, they found 174 poison IPs. Probed non-responsive IPs with known censored domains, probed responsive servers with nonexistent domains that contain keywords, and used open resolvers to issue DNS queries indirectly. Found open resolvers by a port scan for port 53, and measured all of them that were within China to see if they experience DNS poisoning; essentially all do. Did binary search to discover keywords; found about 15,000 and that some were anchored to the start or end, etc. Sent TTL-limited requests in order to locate injectors. Observed a consistent false negative rate by injectors of 0.5–2.0%, which accounts for previous studies (like Crandall2007a) that thought censorship was happening a few hops in from the border; it is probably intermittent failures that make it appear this way and all censorship in fact happens at the border. Tested the Alexa 1M and the zone files for .com, .net, .org, and .info. Found that 2/3 of censored domains were already expired but never removed from the blacklist. Found TTL and IP ID side channels that allowed estimating the number of injector processes (about 360). Anderson2014a Global Network Interference Detection over the RIPE Atlas Network Used the existent RIPE Atlas network, a globally distributed Internet measurement network consisting of physical probes hosted by volunteers, Atlas allows 4 types of measurements: ping, traceroute, DNS resolution, and X.509 certificate fetching. Uses consensus across countries as a means of establishing ground truth. Examines two cases studies of Atlas measurements: Turkey's ban on social media sites in March 2014 and Russia's blocking of certain LiveJournal blogs in March 2014. In Turkey, found at least six shifts in policy during two weeks of site blocking. In blocking, the authorities first poisoned DNS for, then blocked the IPs of the Google DNS servers and, then blocked Twitter's IPs. They blocked HTTPS access to, but did not block access to the Tor network itself. In the Russia blocking, they found 10 unique poison IPs used to poison DNS. They discovered that certain subdomains of resolved to a distinguished IP, apparently in order to make them easier to block. Crandall2007a ConceptDoppler: A Weather Tracker for Internet Censorship Measures keyword filtering by the Great Firewall and demonstrates the automated discovery of new keywords by latent semantic analysis using the Chinese-language Wikipedia as a corpus. Discussed providing an ongoing, periodic "censorship weather report," but it seems that was never realized. They found that they needed to establish a TCP connection before keywords were detected; sending a naked HTTP request without a preceding SYN resulted in no blocking. Did TTL experiments to find the location of routers. The location is not uniform; only 30% of blocking happens at the first hop within China and 28% of end hosts lay on paths that were not filtered. Anderson2013a Dimming the Internet: Detecting Throttling as a Mechanism of Censorship in Iran Uses Network Diagnostic Tool, a tool built by M-Lab and integrated into μTorrent, as a means of measuring network throttling in Iran. Through the measurement of RTT, packet loss, throughput, and fraction of network-limited time, they identify past periods of network throttling and identify networks that are less affected by throttling. A major challenge is distinguishing throttling from other natural network conditions. They argue that decreased throughput without an accompanying increase in RTT and packet loss is an indicator of artificial throttling. They find two major periods of throttling, between Nov 2011 and Aug 2012, and between Oct 2012 and Nov 2012. Academic institutions are affected by throttling, but less so than other networks, with higher throughput during throttling and a faster recovery afterward. Knockel2011a Three Researchers, Five Conjectures: An Empirical Analysis of TOM-Skype Censorship and Surveillance Reverse-engineered the client-side censorship keyword lists in TOM-Skype and tracked changes to the lists over time. There are two lists: one for censorship (the message doesn't get sent/displayed, and gets logged to a remote server) and one for surveillance (the message gets sent/displayed, but it also logged to a remote server). They emphasize the formulation of testable conjectures and present five conjectures as to why the censorship works the way it does. Xu2011a Internet Censorship in China: Where Does the Filtering Occur? Focuses on keyword filtering by the Great Firewall, with the goal of understanding where filters are located at the IP and AS levels. Claims that keyword filtering is more effective than IP and DNS blocking, because of reduced collateral damage and difficulty of circumvention. Most filtering is done at border ASes (ASes with at least one non-China peer). They find that the firewall is 100% stateful; blocking is never triggered by an HTTP request without SYN and SYN/ACK. Much filtering occurs not on the backbone but by regional providers; in AS4134 only 13% occurred at the backbone. Anderson2012splinternet Splinternet Behind the Great Firewall of China Summarizes censorship technologies used by the GFW: IP blocking by null routing, DNS injection, and RST injection. Claims that RST injection is sometimes randomly practiced on HTTPS sites in order simply to degrade connectivity. Gives figures on collateral damage (even outside China) from BGP prefix hijacking and DNS pollution. turkeycensor Report of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media on Turkey and Internet Censorship The report analyzes Law 5651 (the "Internet Act") of 2007, which is the basis for mass blocking of websites in Turkey, with the goal of reforming the law and bringing it into line with standards of freedom of expression. Not very interesting for us. Only interesting fact from this is that it seems Turkey just blocks websites using a blacklist of keywords and IP addresses (p. 28: "The DNS blocking/tampering and IP address blocking methods currently used in Turkey for the execution of blocking orders results in massive over-blocking..."). Between May 2007 and December 2009, ≈3700 websites were blocked under Law 5651. There is an email, telephone, and SMS hotline for the reporting of websites that someone thinks should be blocked, under the administration of the president of Turkey. There were ≈82,000 total calls to the hotline up to May 2009, and ≈34,000 of those were considered actionable; of the remainder ≈31,000 were duplicates and ≈16,000 were not considered illegal. The author finds fault with the law's presumption of guilt. Marquis2013planet: Planet Blue Coat: Mapping Global Censorship and Surveillance Tools Uses Shodan and country-wide port scans to search for Blue Coat devices and then scans them from Europe and the US. A HTTP response that passes through a Bluecoat device contains a specific keyword which specifies the type of the Bluecoat device. This paper searched for two types of Bluecoat products: ProxySG and PacketShaper. ProxySG is a web filter that can also MITM SSL. PacketShaper can filter application traffic by content category. Found 61 Blue Coat ProxySG devices and 316 Blue Coat PacketShaper devices located all over the world, including in countries with a history of human rights abuses. An earlier report in 2011 found Blue Coat devices in use in Syria, a country subject to sanctions that should not have been able to buy them: Mathrani2010a Website Blocking Across Ten Countries: A Snapshot Measured Internet blocking in June 2009 in 10 countries: CA, CN, FR, DE, IR, NZ, SA, TR, AE, and US. Doesn't have much to say about blocking techniques. Wrote a tool that, for each URL in a seed list, did a DNS lookup and then downloads the HTML. If the IP does not match a known IP for that domain, or if the HTML does not match known HTML for that page. (It seems they used some kind of crawler to discover different IPs and HTML--it's unclear--but at any rate the methodology is questionable.) They found these blocking rates across their seed list of pages that included the categories Religion, Political, News, Entertainment, and Social Networks: SA: 30% IR: 26% CN: 13% AE: 12% FR: 2% DE: 2% CA: 0% NZ: 0% TR: 0% US: 0% Leberknight2010taxonomy A taxonomy of Internet censorship and anti-censorship The paper is a little confused throughout. It feels like several people did independent research and made independent categorizations, then pulled them all together into a weak synthesis that is not coherent. It purports to be a taxonomy, but it is not really, neither of censorship nor anti-censorship technologies. They have some bulleted lists and a cursory survey or existing technologies. They start some ideas like "four approaches of anti-censorship" on page 9 but then never follow them up. Nevertheless, there are some good tidbits. They abstractly classify censors according to the dimensions of attack mode (e.g. takedown of the endpoint versus in-line IP filtering); filtering method (e.g. IP filtering, DNS filtering, keyword filtering); and targets (what is censored, a policy decision). They identify four approaches to anti-censorship (but do not elaborate at all): volume-based, speed-based, covert channel–based, and new technology–based. They claim that sustainable circumvention can only succeed by increasing the censor's costs, specifically in keyword filtering and stateful traffic analysis, and that for circumvention system to be truly successful, it must have an impact on public policy. Part of the discussion is about anonymous publishing systems that are outside our scope (e.g. Tangler, Freenet, Free Haven, Eternity Service). They name as the censor's 8 criteria in Section II.A: * Cost * Scope (range of communications modalities censored) * Scale (capacity of the censorship system) * Speed * Granularity (specificity of blocking rules) [seems conflated with False positives?] * False negatives * False positives Then give the evader's 7 criteria in Section IV.A: * Availability (?) "there is no use of an anti-censorship technology if the target users cannot access it." * User-friendliness * Verifiability (secure distribution) * Scope (range of communications modalities covered) * Security (?) "this is the most obvious dimension of an anti-censor" * Deniability * Performance But, in Figure 8 and Section VI there is a different set of *9* evader criteria: * Ability to influence social and political * Anonymity & Trust * Centralized Vs. P2P * Universality; Mobile & Web * Cost * Access Vs. Publish * Performance * Promotion * Usability Which then somehow morph into the 4 "most critical" criteria that are not even a subset of the previous list: * Anonymity & Trust * Usability * Technological Superiority * Infrastructure Support oni-china-2005 Internet Filtering in China in 2004-2005: A Country Study Did testing of accessibility of URL lists, using both a custom URL tester tool deployed in-state and tests run through proxy servers. Compared results to those of a control client located in an unfiltered country. The in-state and proxy tests tended to have different blocking rates. Found extensive blocking, though overall less than in a 2002 study. Examined blocking rates by URL category. Mostly entire domains were blocked, but there were some instances of IP blocking and page blocking (some sites blocked within a domain but others unblocked). They observed injected RST followed by a zero TCP window size ( that prevented TCP communication with the same host for a period of minutes. They give a specific example of hardware capabilities: The Cisco 12000-series routers can implement up to 750,000 filtering rules. They give an example of a rule, noting that it is trivial to modify for keyword blocking: Match protocol http url "*root.exe*" URL filtering could sometimes be bypassed; Google's cache was accessible if you tweaked the query string. Also tried posting blog comments and sending emails. Found blog censorship, but with little overlap with a list of 987 banned keywords extracted from a QQ client. Email filtering is done by email provider, not at the backbone. Email filtering results differed by character encoding: GB 2312 had more blocking on average than UTF-8. Gives background on legal issues, which include general media regulation, regulation of ISPs and providers of Internet services, and regulation of cybercafes. ISPs and Cybercafes are required to keep logs on their customers. The first Internet regulations came in December 1997. Chaabane2014a Censorship in the Wild: Analyzing Internet Filtering in Syria Analysis of 600 GB of leaked logs from seven Blue Coat SG-9000 proxies deployed to censor the network backbone in Syria. The logs cover 9 days in July and August 2011. The proxies were configured in transparent mode. The logs contain an entry for every HTTP request, with data such as host and URL path, and whether the request was allowed or denied. They find evidence of IP blocking, domain blocking, and URL keyword blocking; also of users evading censorship. About 6% of requests were denied; of those, most were due to network errors. In total, only about 1% of total requests were censored; however this underestimates censorship because uncensored web pages will result in many requests. IP blocking blocked many subnets in Israel. Domain blocking on certain domains including all of .il. Found blocked URL keywords: "proxy", "hotspotshield", "ultrareach", "israel", "ultrasurf". Overblocking of e.g. Google Toolbar and Facebook Like button which use "proxy" in requests. They claim that the blocking of "proxy" blocks SOCKS proxies, but that doesn't make sense to me. Fragile URL blocking: appending query params made a URL unblocked. IM services are disproportionately blocked. Partial blocks of Twitter, Facebook; some targeted, but some a side effect of keyword blocks. Tor only lightly censored (1.38%). Only one of 7 proxies seems to block it, and only sporadically. Blocks only OR traffic, not directory requests. The Blue Coat proxies are not identical; some appear to have special purposes. Users use BitTorrent to download circumvention software. People use Google Cache. HTTPS accounts for only 0.08% of all traffic and 0.82% of censored traffic. There is evidence of throttling (fewer requests) on Friday, consistent with press reports. Ensafi2015a Analyzing the Great Firewall of China Over Space and Time Test connectivity between geographically distributed hosts in China and Tor relays, Tor directory authorities, and web servers. They controlled neither the hosts in China nor the relays: to measure connectivity between them they employed "hybrid idle scan" and "SYN backlog scan." Hybrid idle scan is an idle scan, with the additional feature that it can also detect unidirectional client-to-server blocking, by exploiting the fact that the server restransmits SYN/ACKs a small number of times (incrementing the client's IP ID), and it will send all those retransmissions because the client's RST that would otherwise stop them is blocked. SYN backlog scan exploits a feature of Linux where it prunes backlogged SYNs (retransmits the SYN/ACK fewer times) when the SYN buffer is more than half full. This is an improvement over a previous SYN backlog technique that required filling the backlog completely and observing the transition to SYN cookies. SYN backlog scan can be employed in two ways (Fig. 5) to see whether it is the SYN or the SYN/ACK that gets dropped. Selected geographically uniformly distributed hosts in China, literally slicing by latitude and longitude. Over time, tested all clients against all servers. Dropped >60% of data because of churn or errors. They found frequent failures of the firewall resulting in temporary connectivity, and that such failures happen in bursts of hours. Observe no significant patterns having to do with geographical location, though routing may be important. CERNET fails much more often than other networks. SYN backlog scan confirms earlier results that it is the SYN/ACK, not the SYN, of Tor relays that is blocked. Dainotti2011a Analysis of Country-wide Internet Outages Caused by Censorship It's an analysis of "kill switch" total Internet outage events in Egypt and Libya in January, February, and March 2011. Their main tools are BGP data (from Route Views and RIPE Routing Information Service), a /8 network telescope at UCSD, and (to a lesser extent) active traceroutes. They were able to detect when blocking was in effect by observing a drop in traffic (mainly Conficker scans) to their telescope. The most interesting result is that in Libya, the telescope-measured outage was a superset of the BGP-measured outage, indicating that the blocking was not only by BGP. In Egypt: during a blocking event of 5 days, the telescope data and BGP data agreed as to the start and stop. From BGP, there was a precipitous drop in advertised IPv4 prefixes from 3,000 to 175. (Interestingly there was no change in IPv6.) Even during the outage, the telescope receives a little bit of traffic (still mostly Conficker). They detected DoS attacks against Egyptian government sites just before and just after the outage. In Libya: there were three outages. The first two were overnight blocks lasting hours; the third lasted four days. The first block was full BGP-based; the second was a mix of BGP and something else (packet filtering); and the third was only packet filtering. The authors suspect that the censor tested the packet-filtering block during the second outage, withdrew it, and then reinstated it. A non-state-controlled satellite ISP was affected equally as the single other (state-controlled) ISP; the authors suggest it was jamming of the satellite signals. There were also two day-long DoS attacks on servers in Libya. Wolfgarten2006a Investigating large-scale Internet content filtering Light analysis of blocking in China, contemporary with Clayton2006a. Not too deep. The author rented a VPS in China (China Telecom) in July–August 2006 and ran manual tests. Found DNS blocking: SERVFAIL or timeout for blocked domains. Confirmed search engine provider participation in censorship. Confirmed RST blocking of TCP flows containing keywords. The author gives a survey of possible circumvention techniques. Claims that using an alternate DNS server works--means no DNS injection at that time? (Dong2002a had injection as news in 2002; Tokachu2006a and Lowe2007a §6.4 also say that DNS censorship happens by injection.) OpenVPN worked in China. Can do: fake DNS replies keyword filtering RST injection IP blocking, presumably Can't do: DNS injection block OpenVPN Clayton2006b Failures in a Hybrid Content Blocking System Analyzes British Telecom's "CleanFeed" system that was instituted in 2004. It is intended to block the Internet Watch Foundation's list of child porn images. It is "hybrid" because it is fast path–slow path: potentially blockable traffic is redirected to a proxy server, which decides whether to block. The first level is a simple IP–port match (DNS names are pre-resolved) and the second pass is a full-fledged web proxy. This design gives good precision (low overblocking). Identifies ways to circumvent/attack: serve different content to the CleanFeed system itself, use a proxy, use source routing, obfuscate URLs, change the site IP address, fake DNS replies to get important IPs blocked. You get a lot of leverage from the two–tier design where the first tier is imprecise. The system unintentionally works as an oracle to discover the list of domains with blocked URLs: send TTL-limited packets to various IP addresses; those destined to censored sites reach the proxy without exhausting the TTL. Cites contemporary blocking systems in the China, Saudi Arabia, Norway, the US. Lowe2007a The Great DNS Wall of China Found the authoritative DNS servers for 50,000 .cn web sites (it's not totally specified how they made the list of web sites). Then filtered for DNS servers located in China, then further limited to only recursive servers, leaving about 1,600. Tested about 950 presumed-censored domains, mostly from a 2002 list. Tried queries for presumed-blocked domains, for those same domains as subdomains of randomly generated domains, and repeated queries (600) to a single DNS server. Tried TTL manipulation to find the source of tampering. They found that about 400 of their 951 domains were tampered with; tampered responses returned one of only about 20 possible IP addresses, the great majority sharing exactly 8 addresses. Domains embedded as subdomains of a randomly generated domain ( The 8 poison IP addresses are interesting (Table 2): CNCGROUP Beijing, CN First Link Internet North Rocks, AU POWERBASE-HK Hong Kong, HK World Internet Services San Marcos, CA, U.S. China United Telecom Beijing, CN Tera-byte Dot Com Edmonton, CA Level 3 Communications Broomfield, CO, U.S. OLM,LLC Lisle, IL, U.S. TTL experiments showed that DNS replies are being injected (and the true DNS replies are not dropped, they just lose the race.) This is different than Wolfgarten2006a, which claimed that using an alternate DNS server avoided DNS censorship. Shen2013freeweb Freeweb: P2P-Assisted Collaborative Censorship-Resistant Web Browsing Uses a global DHT (they suggest an implementation called OpenChord), some of whose nodes are censored and some of which are not. The client hashes the URL it wants to retrieve and sends a request including the URL to the node that the hash maps to. The node tries to retrieve the URL. If it cannot, it again hashes the hash that pointed to it (h(h(URL))) and forwards the request to the next node. The process continue until a node is able to download the URL. (These request messages are encrypted hop-by-hop.) Once downloaded, the node encrypts the page contents in a reply onion and sends it back to the client along a client-chosen path. It seems to be an unstated part of the threat model that the censor is not allowed to externally interfere with the DHT itself or its protocol messages, only do things like act as a malicious node. They don't explain how the censored client learns its list of DHT neighbors or their public keys. Another of their assumptions is some wishful thinking on the number of proxies: "We envision Freeweb as consisting of a massive number of joined nodes" without explaining where those nodes come from. "We set N=2^10 and N=2^14 to simulate a medium and a large scale network." They claim "request originators and request forwarders are not distinguishable" but that's true only if URLs are unpredictable: a forwarder's node ID will be equal to h^n(URL) for some URL and some small n; an originator's will not. They claim that the drawbacks of other systems are either a small number of proxies or a centralized server that can be blocked. Every node along the way gets to see the URL. They suggest a multiple-download strategy to mitigate the threat of a malicious node returning a fake web page. There are a lot of irrelevant details like how the servers cache downloaded pages and how there is a text-only mode. They run some experiments on PlanetLab. It seems completely broken: for each URL the censor wants to block, it can just block the IP of the first node in the hash chain that it can observe. Danezis2011covert Covert Communications Despite Traffic Data Retention Not as general as its title makes it sound. They identify a global incremental IP ID counter on a third-party host as a kind of shared memory that Alice and Bob can use to communicate. The goal is to communicate through an adversary that logs application-layer payloads but not full packet captures. They give two examples of how to induce a host to send packets (thereby incrementing its IP ID): through echo requests and through TCP window manipulation. They give ways to deal with IP ID noise caused by other hosts. They make the general statement: "A covert communication system has to make use of unintended features of commonly used protocols, in a way that does not arise suspicion, in order to unobservably relay messages between two users." They claim that there are many more possibilities for such communications systems. It seems this was presented at a conference in 2008, but published in a collection in 2011. It must have been made public in 2006, because Luo2007counters cites it so. Luo2007counters Crafting Web Counters into Covert Channels Follows up on an idea suggested in Danezis2011covert, using web counters rather than IP IDs as a shared communication resource. They call their design WebShare. Sender and receiver share a synchronized clock. To send a 1, the sender increments the counter; to send a 0, the sender does not increment. Then the receiver checks the counter to see whether it has been incremented. They present a few ideas for dealing with noise from other web visitors and spreading load across multiple counters for more capacity and less detectability. They run experiments with counters on public web pages. They can't push a single counter much past 0.5 bit/s without starting to get a lot of errors. Zander2008covert Covert Channels in Multiplayer First Person Shooter Online Games Encode messages as tiny variations in player movement in Quake III Arena. (Rook later did something similar, though it does not have to be as specifically tailored to a particular game protocol.) The idea is that tiny perturbations are not visible to players, do not affect game play, and are not detectable through statistical analysis of game packets. The game sends absolute snapshots of e.g. player coordinates at 20 Hz; in between these it sends relative update packets at 100 Hz. The data are encoded in the update packets relative to the most recent snapshot. They avoid using the player's (x, y, z) coordinates and instead only encode data in the pitch and yaw angles, because the angle, unlike the coordinates, are completely player-controlled with a few exceptions (like teleporters). They tested it using the CCHEF framework and 10-minute matches. They achieve a transmission rate of 7–9 bit/s (when accounting for transmission errors). One difficultly is that not all update packets are transmitted to all other players, only to currently visible ones. Also, game packets are encrypted (obfuscated?), though the algorithm is known so they can have their external covert-channel proxy undo and redo the encryption. Based on an eyeballing of CDFs, there's no change in the distribution of packet lengths (despite the game's compression of packet contents) and no change in the distribution of angle deltas. Tan2011ictai A Covert Communication Method Based on User-Generated Content Sites Is based on the idea of storing data on web sites with user-generated content (like Collage does). Doesn't make a lot of sense. They seem to 1) split up a resource with a k-of-n secret sharing scheme, then 2) store the shares on various web sites determined by hashing. They make a hash ring of sites by hashing the URL. They generate a "Resource ID" (possibly a misnomer--seems like each share would need its own ID, not just the resource as a whole) by hashing a random seed and the current time epoch. The publisher finds the site (actually it is a two-step hash ring: site+search term) with the closest Hamming distance and stores the resource (again, possibly should be "share") in a file there using some kind of steganography (which they call "information hiding"). This is the part that doesn't make sense: the receiver is then supposed to do the same hashing operation, visit the determined sites, and reconstruct the shares. "Accordingly, the receiver generates a resource identifier as the publisher, and then follows the steps in 3.3 to get the location of the media bunkers to download them." But how does the receiver learn the resource ID? In Table 1, the only non-time input to GenResID is explicitly "a random seed." I guess the seed is transmitted out of band? They criticize Collage because it "requires a secretly shared resource identifier (message ID) between sender and receiver, and map the tasks (shared behaviors between sender and receiver) to each resource identifier ID," but I don't see how their Resource ID is any different. No mention of how the global list of site URLs (and search terms) is maintained or communicated to participants. They claim resistance to "traffic analysis" and "user repudiation," but by those terms they only mean that receivers only visit common web sites that have other purposes than circumvention. Their hierarchical DHT seems to be biased: the key for both steps is the Resource ID, so for a given site, it will never select search terms that have had values far from the hash of the site itself. McPherson2016a CovertCast: Using Live Streaming to Evade Internet Censorship The core idea of is modulating data (web pages) into a series of still bitmaps, then broadcasting the bitmaps over a *live* video stream, such as are offered on YouTube or The paper is interesting because of the different communication model it uses. It's not like a traditional proxy where a client requests a page and then the system somehow fetches and returns it. Rather, the operator of the live stream chooses a set of web sites to broadcast--say,,, repeatedly crawls and sends the contents of those sites according to some schedule. The clients watching the stream receive the sequence of images, demodulate them, and store them in an offline cache for viewing. There is no way for a client to tell the stream to retrieve a different set of web sites--if you want something else, you need to tune in to another stream that offers it. The communication model reminds me of television: your choice is limited to what channel to watch. It also reminds me of Toosheh, which is basically the same idea, using satellite TV instead of online live streams. The idea is that censors can't block satellite broadcasts, so you tune in to the Toosheh channel, record the video, and then run a program to decode the video into a bunch of files. Ellard2015a Rebound: Decoy Routing on Asymmetric Routes Via Error Messages Rebound is an enhancement to decoy routing, from the same group that made CurveBall (Karlin2011). Like CurveBall, Cirripede, and TapDance, Rebound supports asymmetric routes, the decoy router only needing to see traffic in the client→decoy host direction. Its advantage over these other systems is that it introduces no routing inconsistencies in the downstream direction: the decoy router, rather than spoofing packets "from" the decoy host to the client, instead injects its downstream data into the client's upstream messages, which the decoy host then reflects back to the client, unwittingly, in the text of an error message. Their exmaples and implementation use HTTPS. The effect is to create a virtual tunnel between client and decoy router than piggybacks atop an HTTPS session between client and decoy host. For example, if C wants to send "upstream_data_for_DR" to DR, it will send a TLS ciphertext towards DH, knowing that it will pass through DR: C→DR "GET /upstream_data_for_DR" DR, who knows the TLS session keys of the connection between C and DH, decrypts the ciphertext and add's "upstream_data_for_DR" to its input queue. The data might be a command to fetch a web page, for example. When DR wants to send data back to C, it intercepts the next message from C to DH and changes the message so it contains the downstream data instead of whatever the client sent. The downstream data might be the contents of a previous web page fetch, for example. DR then forwards the modified message on to DH: DR→DH "GET /downstream_data_for_C" DH, which is an ordinary web server, does not have any match for the path "/downstream_data_for_C", reflects the path back to C in an error message: DH→C "404 no such file downstream_data_for_C..." In reality, the messages on the virtual tunnel between the client and decoy router would have an additional layer of encryption inside the TLS; i.e., "GET /E(upstream_data_for_DR)", so that the decoy host does not see plaintext in the forwarded messages it receives. In order to decrypt and re-encrypt TLS messages, the decoy router needs to know the session keys. The decoy router knows the client random field because it lies on the upstream path. The premaster secret, in CurveBall, is generated deterministically from the client random and the client's key, so the decoy router knows that as well. The client must inform the decoy router of the two pieces it does not know: the server random and the ciphersuite ID. The client sends this information using stencil coding, a way of choosing plaintext so that certain bits in the ciphertext are set so as to carry a message. Stencil coding is reminiscent of the chosen-ciphertext steganography of TapDance--it is less efficient, but also works with TLSv1.0 (TapDance requires TLSv1.2 for its per-record IVs). The client needs to poll with "chaff requests" in order to receive downstream data; the only way the decoy router can send data back to the client is atop a client-generated request. The decoy host's web server logs presumably fill up with error messages (unlike TapDance, which doesn't actually finish requests). Another benefit of reflecting messages through the decoy host is that its network stack fingerprint, for instance its TCP characteristics, will be correct. Zarras2016a Leveraging Internet Services to Evade Censorship The main idea is dynamic rotation between multiple pluggable tunnels. The authors argue that using a single protocol for a tunnel is distinguishable because it will have a distinctive usage pattern; therefore one should divide traffic across multiple tunnels (though that too is a distinctive pattern?). They prototype this idea in a system called CAMOUFLAGE. CAMOUFLAGE multiplexes traffic across multiple tunnels, first encrypting it and then splitting it into packets for reassembly on the server side. The individual tunnels may re-encrypt their share of the data, or do other transformations, depending on the specifics of the protocol they use. The scheduling is done by an element called the "dispatcher" and the TCP-like reassembly layer is called the "connector." The prototype CAMOUFLAGE implements four tunnels: 1. SMTP (like SWEET) 2. Skype (like SkypeMorph or FreeWave) 3. online game Runes of Magic (using the voice chat feature, so more like FreeWave than like Castle/Rook/Zander2008covert) 4. Dropbox (like CloudTransport) Section 5.2 briefly describes an experiment to measure typical levels of use for these four cover protocols (but there are very few details about the experiment). The authors give recommended weights for balancing the use of each tunnel. The paper doesn't discuss how users find servers, or how they are protected from discovery by censors. It seems to be aimed at a run-your-own-server use case. Bocovich2016a Slitheen: Perfectly imitated decoy routing through traffic replacement Slitheen is a decoy routing system that emphasizes security over deployability, achieving truly indistiguishable traffic and latency patterns, at the cost of requiring symmetric routes and downstream flow blocking. It works by overwriting by overwriting "leaf resources"--responses such as images that do not trigger additional requests--in an HTTPS conversation with an overt web site. The client carries on a stream of overt browsing (using a headless browser, for example); Slitheen parasitically rides on this "carrier channel." Slitheen sends upstream data by injecting an X-Slitheen header, deleting or compressing other headers to maintain the request's size. The relay station, running at a friendly ISP, MITMs the request, interprets and overwrites any X-Slitheen data, then re-encrypts the request to the overt destination. In the downstream direction, the relay station, by carefully tracking the TCP, HTTP, and TLS states, identifies leaf resources and overwrites their response bodies with downstream data. Because Slitheen's communication is driven by actual browsing of the overt site, and only those resources that don't affect traffic patterns are overwritten, Slitheen is undetectable from a traffic analysis or website fingerprinting point of view. The relay station never delays packets, which requires careful treatment of things like fragmentation and packet reordering--the relay station can't do its own reassembly because that would introduce detectable delays. There is also some added delay caused by the overhead of TLS MITM and state tracking, which the authors measure to be small. An attractive feature is that some censor attacks result only in denial of service, not detection of the covert channel. For instance, if the censor force an asymmetric route, or a route without a relay station, communication with the overt site will be unaltered. The few attacks mentioned that work are censor collusion with the overt site, and censor-controlled trusted CA certificates--though there is a proposed TLS handshake tweak that could detect the latter, before giving up the game by sending an X-Slitheen header. Dornseif2003a Government mandated blocking of foreign Web content Studies the blocking of web content in the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia in Germany between 2001 and 2003. The government ordered ISPs to block two Nazi web sites in February 2002; some ISPs had begun blocking earlier than that, after a hearing in October 2001. Begins with a summary of blocking techniques: packet filtering (at the IP or TCP layers), DNS tampering (which was then new), and filtering application-layer proxies. Then covers circumvention techniques: mirroring, DNS aliases, changing IP addresses, changing ports, HTML proxies (like translation services), search engines caches and archives, IP-in-IP tunneling (what we would call a VPN today), third-party proxies, dial-up connection to another country, encryption (DNSSEC and HTTPS), and direct access by IP address without DNS. Mentions the possibility of overblocking (due to virtual hosting, etc.). Discusses the difficulty of interpreting the precise meaning of the legal order and of complying with it on a technical level. The paper concludes with a technical survey of DNS tampering by ISPs in North-Rhine-Westphalia, conducted in May 2003. The author enumerated potential ISPs in the state (including e.g. universities) and queried their recursive DNS servers for the presumed-blocked domains as well as some controls. They found varied blocking techniques: NXDOMAIN, CNAME pointing to a different domain, or A records pointing to bogus IP addresses. Some treat the www subdomain different than other subdomains. There are varied side effects, depending on the type of DNS tampering, which may include breaking mail delivery or redirecting HTTP traffic to localhost. Zittrain2003a Internet Filtering in China Berkman Center study that covers Internet filtering in China. They conducted various tests between August and November 2002 using open proxies. (They mention using dial-up connections, rather than open proxies, from March through May, but don't say anything about those results.) Constructed a test list of 200K URLs from Yahoo categories, Google searches for specific terms, and user-submitted blocking reports. Of those 200K, 19K were blocked. 101/752 (13.4%) porn sites were blocked; commercial filters blocked 70% to 90%, so China probably does not use a commercial filter but has its own blacklist. Blocked sites fell into categories, "Dissident/Democracy", "Health", "Education", "News", "Government", "Taiwan and Tibet", "Entertainment", "Religion". The block list is maintained and changes over time. They found five methods of blocking: * web server IP address (the most common method) * DNS server IP address (might be a side effect of other IP blocking) * DNS redirection (DNS poisoning) These started only after September 2002: * URL keyword filtering, resulting in blockage of 5 to 30 minutes--URL escaping works to circumvent * HTTP response filtering (resulting in truncated HTML) There's an alternate version at Knockel2017a Measuring Decentralization of Chinese Keyword Censorship via Mobile Games Extracted client-side keyword blacklists from 200+ mobile games downloaded from Hi Market. As in previous studies of chat and social apps (e.g. Knockel2015a), there is little similarity between the lists of different games. Using a Mantel test, they found that the best predictor of keyword similarity is having the same developer. Most keywords (51%) were in the "Social" category; next closest was "Technology" at 17%; there were also personal names and various homoglyphs/homonyms. Text escaping anomalies hint at the provenance of lists. Though game companies have to submit keyword blacklists (along with e.g. game dialog) for approval, the results suggest that enforcement of keyword censorship is more fragmented than centralized. Tanash2017a The Decline of Social Media Censorship and the Rise of Self-Censorship after the 2016 Failed Turkish Coup Analyzes tweets from Turkey before and after the coup attempt of 2016-07-15. The "before" set is 5.6M tweets (513K censored) from 24 days during Turkish general election of July 2015. The "after" set is 8.5M tweets (142K censored) from 75 days following the coup attempt. Collection methodology uses the Twitter public API, similar to Tanash2015a; they say they got a nearly complete set of Turkish tweets. There was a decline in government-censored tweets, which the authors attribute to an increase in self-censorship by users. They find that 18% of Turkish tweets were voluntarily removed, whether by deleting of individual tweets, by deleting an account, or by making an account protected--but they don't provide a basis of comparison to know whether that is an unusually large fraction. They use topic analysis and find a new topic of censorship, the Gülen Movement, with some users perhaps even posting spurious anti-Gülen tweets to avoid suspicion. Section 4.1 says there was a decline in Tor users after the coup attempt, though I don't see it. As in Tanash2015a, they found more censored tweets than are reported in Twitter's transparency report. Jermyn2017a Autosonda: Discovering Rules and Triggers of Censorship Devices Autosonda is a tool for the automated discovery of firewall rule sets and vulnerabilities, treating the firewall as a black box. It automates previously used manual techniques. Autosonda aims to discovers the firewall's "model," "mechanism," and "technique." Model is the set of feature values that the firewall uses for detection, for example protocol field values. Mechanism is how the features are extracted or identified, for example using a regular expression. Technique is how the blocking is effected, for example a block page or injected RST. The system relies on running client software inside the censor's sphere of influence, in cooperation with a server running outside. Some of the client tests require root. It has automatic fuzzing of some features, for example replacing "GET /" with "GeT /" or "GET/". They tried it on 76 open wi-fi networks around New York City. They used a fetch of (literally: "the number one most popular Adult category site in Alexa's top 500 sites by category") as a prefilter to decide whether a network was censored or not. Regarding model, they found firewalls that examined DNS requests, some that examined the HTTP Host header, and some that resolved the domain name of the Host header and then matched against an IP address blacklist. Regarding technique, some firewalls sent a false DNS response pointing to a block page, and some that returned a block page in band. Regarding mechanism, they tried sending HTTP over UDP, which none of the firewalls blocked. They tried using a ports other than 80; most but not all firewalls still blocked. It was possible to evade URL blocks by appending a query string. They tried sending two Host headers at once; roughly half of firewalls looked at the first, the other roughly half looked at the second, and a small number looked at both. 11/44 HTTP filters did not reassemble TCP; 7 did not defragment IP. Changing capitalization in DNS requests did not evade filters, but sometimes changing .com to .org did (when those happened to point to the same site). A majority of firewalls are fooled by altering the whitespace around the Host header, but not capitalization. The authors say that they found at least one firewall bypass for 100% of the filters, but that statement needs to be qualified with the fact that some of the bypasses require cooperation by the server. The authors acknowledge this, saying "with special implementation of a server," and "note that actual retrieval of prohibited content depends on the implementation of the server." For example, requesting HTTP over UDP, or moving the host from the Host header to another header, won't work with standard HTTP servers. Frolov2017a An ISP-Scale Deployment of TapDance Describes a one-week deployment of TapDance at real ISPs with real users (the first ever such deployment). They installed four TapDance stations, three at a medium-sized regional ISP (2 × 40 Gbps, 1 × 10 Gbps) and one at CU Boulder (1 × 10 Gbps). Installing the stations at the ISPs turned out to be technically easy: the only access the stations needed on the ISP's network was a mirrored traffic port and the ability to inject new packets. The implementation didn't require any specialized hardware. Stations had to fit into 1U space; the most capable of them had an 8-core Xeon, 64 GB of RAM, and 10 GbE network adapter. Users came from a partnership with Psiphon, which distibuted a TapDance client to a fraction of their users, over 50,000 unique over the week. There were around 5500 sites behind the two ISPs, but >34% had to be excluded because they lacked required network properties, like minimum TCP window sizes and HTTP timeouts. They attempted to limit load on overt destinations by only distibuting half of them at a time, having the station impose limits, and enabling a robots.txt opt-out (which no sites took advantage of). Introduces the term "refraction networking" as a replacement for "decoy routing," to avoid confusion with the specific implementation of Karlin et al. 2011, also known as CurveBall. The station implementation is mostly in Rust. It uses C for better performance in Elligator, to link with OpenSSL, and to implement a Linux kernel module. The client is written in Go and linked with Psiphon's usual client. Code is available at Nekrasov2017a Limits to Internet Freedoms: Being Heard in an Increasingly Authoritarian World Interviews with 110 people in Zambia, Mongola, and Turkey 2014–2016: activists, press, minorities, watchdogs, and unaffiliated citizens. Identified adversaries to Internet freedom are government, corporations, and communities. Investigates limitations of existing tools. There was fair awareness of proxies and VPNs. Inadequate localization was a problem. Groups that practice anonymity in order to protect themselves also have greater difficulty establishing reputation and trust. Ling2012a Extensive Analysis and Large-Scale Empirical Evaluation of Tor Bridge Discovery Derives models for the discovery of Tor bridges by (1) exhausting the https and smtp bridge distribution channels, and (2) running middle nodes. (These are ways 1 and 2 from tor-techreport-2011-10-002, which was published shortly afterward and cites this work.) Over 14 days, they discovered 2,365 bridges by querying the distributor and 2,369 by running middle nodes (they don't say how much overlap there was between the two sets). For their model, they partially reverse-engineered Tor path selection and give a detailed description of the algorithm. Their models predict actual performance well. They needed a large number of IP addresses, to (1) evade Yahoo's restrictions on creating multiple email accounts, and (2) evade BridgeDB's bucketing by source IP address. For this, they used 500 PlanetLab nodes and 500+ Tor exits. Darer2017a FilteredWeb: A Framework for the Automated Search-Based Discovery of Blocked URLs FilteredWeb is a system for discovering blocked URLs using search engines. Starting from a seed list of known-blocked URLs, it extracts text phrases ("tags") that commonly appear in the blocked URLs, searches for those terms, and then tests each page in the result of the search for blocking. They test blocking by looking for DNS injection from outside the firewall. Then those new pages have their tags extracted, and the process repeats. It's emphasized that they are looking for blocked URLs, not blocked keywords: the goal is not to find the keywords per se (as in Crandall2007a); the text tags are just a means of efficiently finding new blocked URLs. Through this technique they found 1,355 blocked domains in China, most of which are not in the Alexa top 1,000 or the Citizen Lab test list. They also report a large number of discovered blocked URLs (many URLs → one domain), but that doesn't seem as relevant because a large fraction are of the form; i.e., a bunch of pages on domains already known to be blocked. Some sample tags (Fig. 6) are: twitter, facebook, youtube, android, ios, tweet, tweets, linkedin, trump, uyghur, iphone, gmail, instagram, openvpn, storify, insign, followers, brasil, bahasa, censorship, intentionality, dmca, pptp, blurred, unblock, polski, tor, ipad, hindi, tibet, abuses, pinterest, anonymously. Jones2015a Ethical Concerns for Censorship Measurement Identifies three methods for censorship measurement: have researchers travel to a country of interest, deploy software to people already living there, or co-opt existing systems. Goes into detail on the third method, based on experience from Spooky Scan (later Pearce2017a) and Encore (Burnett2015a) and interaction with IRBs. Lists challenges: IRBs are not used to dealing with research of this sort, which is not really human subjects research but does involve risks to people; actual risk is difficult to gauge; impossible to predict how censors will react; hard to get consent. Lists further unanswered ethical questions. Wright2011a Fine-Grained Censorship Mapping: Information Sources, Legality and Ethics Considers possibilities for testing censorship at a finer granularity than a country. For various reasons (including organizational and administrative limitations), filtering may not be uniform across a country but may vary by e.g. ISP. Ideas for gaining multiple measurement vantages within a country include Tor and VPNs (but those are less likely to work in the highly filtered locations where we would most want them). Some other ideas are asking users to run measurement tools, indirect channels (remote testing of DNS poisoning), open proxies, (mis)using existing protocols like BitTorrent that allow limited control over a remote computer, and (throwing ethics to the wind) botnets. All these bring up questions of ethics and legality. Misusing a protocol or attempting to access a blocked site may be illegal--but even if it is, it's very unclear whether it will actually result in any harm. The scale of Internet censorship means that the censor cannot possibly apprehend everyone trying to circumvent--but they could, in targeted cases. Advocates for informed consent by volunteers who run measurement tools. Crandall2015a Forgive Us our SYNs: Technical and Ethical Considerations for Measuring Internet Filtering Considers technicalities and difficulties of two methods of measuring censorship: client-side and and side channel–based. Everything is held to the light of ethical research, despite that ethical frameworks for network security measurements are not yet well established. Users who participate in client-side measurements should have informed consent, even though the actual risks to them are highly context-specific and potentially unknown. Consent is impossible for side-channel measurements, but still we try to minimize risk. The treatment of client-side methods is informed by the experiences of ONI and ICLab. ONI employed an in-person informed consent meeting with each volunteer, and deemed some locations to risky to run any measurements at all. ICLab is developing a context-sensitive informed consent procedure (where context is based on e.g. Freedom on the Net scores). The risks of side-channel measurements include, for example, DoS and the perception that a third-party is directing their computer to access some resource, when really it was a researcher doing it. Poses some open questions about safe side-channel measurement: should the IP address of the researcher's computer appear in logs of both client and server (because you can e.g. host a page there explaining the research)? How much risk of DoS is too much? What kind of machine should the client be (e.g. someone's home computer)? Covers ways of mitigating risk, which include not directly using leaf nodes for measurement, but rather doing a traceroute and stepping two hops back; and scanning from entire /24s at a time to avoid implicating any single user. Mahdian2010a Fighting Censorship with Algorithms Looks at bridge distribution from an algorithmic point of view. The model is that there are $k$ adversaries, $n-k$ honest users, $m$ bridges; the goal is that at the end, all honest users should have at least one unblocked bridge. Considers three scenarios: static one-shot, dynamic multiple-round, and trust networks where users can invite other users. In the static one-shot model, the problem reduces to a problem in secure overlay network design ( and the algorithm they offer is to give each bridge to each user with independent probability $1/(k+1)$. In the dynamic multiple-round model, the simpler version of the algorithm is to divide the users into $n/k$ groups and give each group a unique bridge. When a bridge is compromised, divide its user group in half and give each half a new unique bridge. A more complicated version of the dynamic algorithm (that gives better bounds on the number of bridges required) reuses uncompromised bridges when probing to find the adversaries. In the trust network model (where adversaries can invite other adversaries), they leave the problem mostly open but show a solution for the case $k=1$. Not really practical: wants knowledge of $n$ and $k$, assumes bridges are always online, set of users doesn't change much. Anderson1996a The Eternity Service Sketches a design for a high-availability file storage system using redundant copies. Asserts that most computer science research on security is related to confidentiality or integrity; comparatively little is on availability. Web publishing means that knowledge is often stored on just a few servers subject to coercion, making it easier to suppress ideas than in the past. Envisions a paid service where you pay a fee for some time period of guaranteed storage. Data can be replicated across multiple servers in different legal jurisdictions, so as to be robust against coordination coercion and accidental errors. Considers relative advantages of tamper-resistant hardware versus mathematical fault-tolerance as in Rampart. Suggests a "perjury trap" legal hack where, on logging in, an administrator is prompted to affirm under oath that they are not under duress. Important questions towards making something like the Eternity Service possible are secure timekeeping, anonymity, traffic analysis, and resilience of distributed databases. Heydari2017a Scalable Anti-Censorship Framework Using Moving Target Defense for Web Servers Applies Mobile IPv6 (RFC 3775) for the purpose of anti-censorship. The server acts as if it were a mobile node with multiple changing addresses. The idea is that Mobile IPv6 is like a proxying service: a node can register one or more "care-of addresses" that stand in for its long-term "home address". A special extension header (type 2 routing header) carries the long-term home address when corresponding with the care-of address. They do some analysis based on a model with some fraction of the users being censors in disguise. Users are partitioned into separate access groups, which are shuffled periodicially (they seem to envision a shuffling period on the order of minutes). If a censor lands in an access group, it can block that one care-of address during that time interval. I wasn't quite sure what to take from the analysis—it seems that a censor controlling a small fraction of users can block a large fraction of access groups. They suggest captchas or similar as an anti-sybil defense, and a credit system to assign users whose groups tend not to get blocked to the same group. They outline a divide-and-conquer strategy to isolate censors within groups, reminiscent of Mahdian2010a. (It wasn't clear what the identity of a user is for the purpose of credit accounting—its IP address?) A big problem is that Mobile IPv6 packets have Destination and Type 2 Routing headers that contain the long-term home address of the server, which the censor could look for and block (ignoring the care-of address that appears as the destination address). They propose to work around this with kernel modifications (they say it only requires changes on the server, but Fig. 4 also shows client-to-server mods) that remove the problematic headers and hide the necessary information under IPsec. The other big problem is that the care-of addresses are selected from the same /64 prefix as the home address. If the censor blocks the /64, it's game over. (Section IV: "64 bit addresses are created at random and combined with the home link prefix to generate the new CoAs.") For this they have vague suggestions of putting high–collateral damage servers within the same prefix. The term "moving target defense" comes from DDoS literature. They have a prototype implementation. Cronin2005a The Eavesdropper's Dilemma Discusses challenges in the interception of network traffic: fundamentally, the eavesdropper trades sensitivity against selectivity. A lack of end-to-end security on a channel is necessary for interception, but not sufficient. A variety of factors, digital equivalents of analog noise, may prevent the eavesdropper from recovering an intelligible message, or recovering any message at all. Goes into detail on countermeasures evasion and confusion. Evasion: the eavesdropper fails to record part of a stream. Confusion: the eavesdropper records too much, including noise that would be discarded by the endpoint, resulting in multiple possible interpretations. The potential hinges on a difference between the sensitivity/selectivity of the eavesdropper and that of the receiver: If the eavesdropper's sensitivity > receiver's: use confusion; if the receiver's sensitivity > eavesdropper's: use evasion. Examples of evasion are putting information in overlapping fragments: if the eavesdropper records only at the transport layer and not the network layer, it will lose the overlapped information. Another example of evasion is sending on a physical link at a level (e.g. voltage level) that the receiver detects but not the eavesdropper. Examples of confusion are sending chaff with an invalid destination MAC, TTLs that cause the packet to die before reaching thre receiver, invalid checksums. Tests confusion attacks against existing NIDSes. Their "evasion" is the same as the "evasion" of Ptacek1998a. They say that their "confusion" is different from the "insertion" of Ptacek1998a (Section 3.2), but I don't really see the difference. morphing09 Traffic Morphing: An efficient defense against statistical traffic analysis Traffic morphing is an algorithm for frustrating traffic analysis: it makes an input distribution of packet sizes conform to an output distribution, by padding and optionally splitting packets. It has lower overhead than, for example, padding every packet to a constant size. It doesn't do anything for interpacket timing: one input packet corresponds to one output packet (or, in the case of shortening, a burst of short packets) with minimal delay. Morphing works by computing an intermediate matrix that converts one probability distribution (of packet sizes) to another. It's therefore specific to the input protocol: if it doesn't match the expected input distribution, the output distribution will not be as expected. Each column of the matrix is a probability distribution on output sizes, given an input size. In the case where the computed output size is less than the input size, first a short packet with the desired output size is split off, then the rest of the input packet is split up by directly sampling the output distribution (without using the matrix). Section 3.3 also discusses constructing a matrix such that packets are never shortened. Convex optimization can efficiently compute the matrix and minimize byte overhead. Naively, the process only handles 1-grams, but Section 3.4 is about coping with large input spaces, such as the n² space created by bigrams. The flaw, as I see it, is that there is still a correspondence between input packet and output packets. Whenever the input is idle, the output will be idle as well. You could sample directly from the desired output distribution, independent of the input packet sizes, and not need to compute a matrix. I suppose such a design would have lower efficiency. Winter2013b ScrambleSuit: A Polymorphic Network Protocol to Circumvent Censorship ScrambleSuit is an obfuscation protocol that aims to resist active probing, DPI, and traffic analysis. It resists active probing with per-user (or per-server) secrets: a client that connects without being able to show knowledge of the secret will not get a response from the server. (The client authentication is an extension of the UniformDH used by obfs3.) It resists DPI by encrypting everything, including the key-exchange handshake, so it looks like a random stream. It resists traffic analysis by shaping packet sizes and delays according to a probability distribution that depends on a server secret. Therefore to the extent that ScrambleSuit has a traffic analysis signature, each server has a different signature, so blocking one does not result in a block of the others. After an initial UniformDH handshake, later authentications are done using session tickets. There are slightly different designs for session tickets to accomodate different underlying protocols. (Tor's bridge distribution design makes it difficult to have per-client secrets.) Discusses the difference between mimickry protocols (effective against whitelisting) and look-like-random protocols (effective only against blacklisting). The authors judge that whitelisting results in unacceptable false positives, and that looking like random increases the false-positive rate sufficiently to make it expensive to block. They considered client-side puzzles (proof of work) as an alternative to out-of-band secrets, but the current rate of churn in Tor bridges would give too large an advantage to the censor in completing puzzles. Evaluation is difficult because there is no specific protocol they are mimicking; therefore they instead measure deviation from vanilla Tor. Pfitzmann2010a A terminology for talking about privacy by data minimization: Anonymity, Unlinkability, Undetectability, Unobservability, Pseudonymity, and Identity Management Defines terms used in the field of privacy by data minimization. For "privacy" they use the definition of Alan Westin: "the claim of individuals, groups, or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others." "Data minimization" is a way to support privacy: minimize data collection and how long it is stored. Despite dealing with the terms "undetectability" and "unobservability," it's not very relevant to censorship. They tend to define terms relative to the perspective of an attacker. Changes in quantities named by terms are described using "deltas," which are the difference between the attacker's a priori and a posteriori perspective. E.g. "anonymity delta," "unlinkability delta," etc. Anonymity is defined in terms of an anonymity set: a subject is not identifiable within a set (or equivalently(?), not distinguishable from the other members of the set). They present a revised definition which says that subjects only cannot be "sufficiently" identified, relative to some attacker. They have a funny, circular, way of defining what an anonymity set is, though: it's the set of all *possible* subjects, where "possible" is some subset of the universe of subjects, chosen by an attacker according to its knowledge of who might be in an anonymity set; e.g., the subjects capable of receiving messages. Unlinkability is also defined in terms of distinguishing, relative to an attacker. The attacker cannot distinguish two related items from two unrelated items. Unlinkability is also relative to an "unlinkability set," for example the set of senders. Anonymity can then be defined in terms of unlinkability: for example, sender anonymity means that messages are unlinkable within the set of senders. (But isn't there a problem in the case of only one message, when there's nothing to link?) Undetectable means that means that an attacker cannot distinguish whether an item under question exists or not. (They first explain this by saying that messages should not be distinguishable from "random noise"—it's not clear whether by "random noise" they mean an idle wire, or some actual signal that happens to look random to an attacker. In a footnote, a "slightly more precise" formulation says that a message should be indistinguishable from no message, which seems to be a qualitative difference from the other example.) Unobservability is undetectability plus anonymity. The item has to be undetectable to an outside attacker, and anonymous among the participants (to whom it is necessarily not undetectable). Pseudonymity is using identifiers other than "real names." It only describes a mechanism, and does not necessarily imply anonymity (footnote 64). Despite trying to outline a formalism, it's not very clear. The terminology is obscure, with variants that confuse rather than clarify. For example, they never give a single simple definition of "anonymity" that is independent of the footnotes and hedges which follow it. They contrast "individual anonymity" and "global anonymity" somehow--global anonymity seems to be about how uniform is the probability of subjects within the anonymity set (as in information entropy). However, according to them, a subject only exits the anonymity set when its probability equals zero (footnote 27), not tying it back to their earlier clarification about "sufficiently." The document fails as an operational reference. The table in Section 14 is a decent summary. The document is 98 pages long, but only 35 pages are the real content: the remainder is appendices and translations of terms into various languages. Houmansadr2013b The Parrot is Dead: Observing Unobservable Network Communications Investigates "parrot" circumvention systems that work by imitating other protocols, and finds many flaws and implementation inconsistencies that make them detectable even by a local censor, concluding that "unobservability by imitation" is a fatally flawed strategy. It is just too difficult to imitate a cover protocol in every detail, including error behavior and interdependencies with other protocols. A potential solution is to use genuine tunneling rather than imitation. Takes as examples three real systems: SkypeMorph (Moghaddam2012a), StegoTorus (Weinberg2012a), CensorSpoofer (Houmansadr2011a). Analyzes each alongside what it is trying to imitate (Skype, Ekiga, etc.). Divides attacks into "passive," "active," and "proactive" (active but outside of the context of a specific connection). Divides adversaries according to their knowledge: local adversary (LO), state-level oblivious adversary (OB), state-level omniscient adversary (OM). Analyzes the stated threat models of previous research thus: * SkypeMorph: OM * StegoTorus: OB * CensorSpoofer: OM In some cases the attacks they find are simpler than more advanced attacks that the systems actually defend against. (Keep in mind that some of them were later found impractical by Wang2015a.) Some of the detectable features they find are: * Missing Skype TCP channel. * Missing Skype plaintext metadata. * Active-probing for Skype supernodes. * Missing xref tables in StegoTorus PDF. * StegoTorus HTTP server fingerprint. * Replacing CensorSpoofer SIP tags. Uses the term "unobservability" as its blocking-resistance criterion, but does not define the term, except to say that the meaning is not the same as in Pfitzmann2010a (Section X). Geddes2013a Cover Your ACKs: Pitfalls of Covert Channel Censorship Circumvention Houmansadr2013b showed many failures to completely emulate a cover protocol. This paper shows that even with perfect channel emulation, mismatches between the cover protocol and proxy protocol makes the circumvention detectable and blockable. Identifies three classes of such mismatches: Architectural mismatch: e.g. peer-to-peer ≠ client–server Channel mismatch: e.g. unreliable UDP ≠ reliable TCP Content mismatch: e.g. different packet lengths Examines in detail three systems: SkypeMorph (Moghaddam2012a), FreeWave (Houmansadr2013a), CensorSpoofer (Houmansadr2011a). Tested the systems through a manipulated network (e.g. simulating packet loss) and invented new attacks. Examples of attacks are: inducing high error rates at the beginning kills FreeWave dropping SkypeMorph's semi-predictable ACK packets replaying SkypeMorph ACKs to roll back the receive buffer dropping a few consecutive packets for CensorSpoofer many-to-one traffic patterns of Tor bridges long connection duration of Tor bridges tracking standard deviation of FreeWave packet lengths One conclusion is that peer-to-peer channels are a bad choice for the cover channel of a client–server system like Tor pluggable transports. Defines "unobservability": a censor is unable to tell whether or not a client is participating in the system, and "unblockability": a censor cannot block access to the system without also blocking access to the entire Internet or a popular service (collateral damage). Wang2015a Seeing through Network-Protocol Obfuscation Analyzes real circumvention protocols (obfs3, obfs4, FTE, meek-amazon, meek-google) using real traffic traces (≈1 TB from a campus network, 30,000 from a lab setting), with an emphasis on practical attacks with low false-positive rates. They find attacks that in all cases have TPR close to 1.0 and FPR close to 0.0. The attacks require little in terms of state or computation. They also evaluate some semantics-based attacks proposed in Houmansadr2013b, and find that they have prohibitively many false positives or would be easy to counter. They divide circumvention protocols into randomizing (e.g. obfs*), mimicking (e.g. FTE), and tunneling (meek). They classify attacks as semantics-based, entropy-based, or machine learning–based. Their classifier for obfs3 and obfs4 uses a minimum entropy threshold and a length check over the first packet only. Their classifier for FTE uses a mimimum entropy threshold and a URL length check over the first packet. Their classifier for meek uses a decision tree over the first few packets using entropy, timing, and packet-header features. The ML classifier's TPR suffers a lot when tested in a different environment than it was trained on (Table 8). FPR doesn't suffer as much, but can be up to 12%. meek's different packet sizes unexpectedly lead to a difference in min, avg, max entropy, even though it uses HTTPS like some of the negative samples. Wang2012a CensorSpoofer: Asymmetric Communication using IP Spoofing for Censorship-Resistant Web Browsing CensorSpoofer is a circumvention design that uses a covert, unblockable upstream (similar requirements as flash proxy rendezvous) and an IP-spoofed downstream. Distinguishing characteristics are high resistance to insider attacks (works even if the censor runs the client software) and easier deployment than decoy routing. Clients send their desired URLs upstream through a steganographic email or IM channel. Downstream data comes through a simulated VoIP session whose source address is spoofed to appear to come from a dummy host. The client must carry on a fake VoIP conversation (sending meaningless upstream UDP packets) with the dummy host. The client never even knows the actual address of the proxy. The asymmetric design is feasible because web browsing is more download than upload. Use port scanning to find plausible dummy hosts; a test of 10,000 random IP addresses outside China found 12% of them suitable. Most of those also have compatible traceroutes. You need to protect the IM/email destination address (they don't assume an encrypted channel). For that, they have an invitiation system whereby each user gets its own unique address to send its upstream requests to. Built and tested a prototype. Martin2002a Deanonymizing Users of the SafeWeb Anonymizing Service Looks at SafeWeb, an anonymizing HTML-rewriting proxy that was apparently really hot during its heyday, 2001–2002. It attempts to achieve client anonymity by proxing all requests through a SafeWeb HTTPS server. It turns out that easy, obvious JavaScript attacks completely break its anonymity and allow requests to leak out to other origins. The flaws can't be fixed without sacrificing some of of SafeWeb's design requirements, such as anonymity of fidelity. SafeWeb's client web form rewrites URLs like "" into something like "". The server fetches the page and tries to sanitize it by similarly rewriting all contained URLs. It tries to sanitize JavaScript while preserving its functionality, which is obviously impossible from a theoretic point of view. A few of the flaws are: consolidation of all cookies under the origin (any site can steal cookies from any other site); using substring matching to compare origins; ActiveX, Java, and PDF leaks. Total disaster. Got a passing grade from the CIA. Briefly mentions TriangleBoy (SafeWeb's blocking-resistance system based on encryption and IP spoofing), but doesn't analyze it separately. Koepsell2004a How to Achieve Blocking Resistance for Existing Systems Enabling Anonymous Web Surfing Lays out models and considerations for blocking-resistant communication systems. Covers a lot of ground: threat model, classification of blocking techniques, system design requirements. Really anticipated a lot of later developments: centralized databases of volunteer bridges, proxy distribution strategies, centralization of services behind gateways (e.g. CDNs), active probing, cryptographic puzzles and captchas, poisoned IP lists, reverse proxy connections (proxy connects to client), "all or nothing" blocking. Influenced Tor's bridge design (tor-techreport-2006-11-001). Its threat model is partially borrowed from Peekabooty: * Censor blocks some traffic, not all. * The exists some low-bandwidth unblockable inward channel. * There are willing volunteers outside the censor's network. * Censored users have differing computational abilities. * Censor has "huge amounts" of resources, including human. * Censor controls all network links to the outside. * Censor doesn't control outside. * Censor knows the design of the circumvention system. The classification of blocking criteria is in general based on the network layer. They break it down thus (more detail in Appendix A): * Blocking based on circumstances 1. Addresses (including geographic location) 2. Timing (duration, frequency, time of day) 3. Data Transfer (rate, amount, half or full duplex) 4. Services (protocols, names, addresses [again]) * Blocking based on content File type Statistical (e.g. entropy) Pattern matching A blocking resistance system, in general, needs two things: 1. A high-bandwidth, low-latency communication infrastructure. 2. Some way to distribute information about the infrastructure (doesn't need to be high-bandwidth or low-latency) You can think of (1) as a network of proxies and (2) as some kind of proxy distribution strategy. There are a few options for the underlying proxy infrastructure: * Many access points (which could be full-fledged proxies or simple forwarders). Ensure the censor doesn't get the full list of access points. This is like today's BridgeDB model. * Reverse connection: The proxy connects back to the censored client. Flash proxy did this. * Single access point: Many different types of services are served indistinguishably from one server. "Imagine that all web pages of the Unites States are only retrievable (from abroad) by sending encrypted request to one and only one special node," presaging CDNs. This is like domain fronting, CloudTransport, decoy routing. Information can be encoded using steganography in addition to cryptography. Censors do not need high-accuracy detection, only suspicion, because they can confirm a guess by active probing ("acting like a blockee"). Users should always have plausible deniability, for example by embedded a second steganographic message in addition to the intended one. The information distribution problem is harder and still open. They give some ideas. It needs to be unblockable--which is not a contradiction, because the distribution has different requirements than general data transport. Also it needs to be "fuzzy," by which they mean it can't be easy to enumerate all the information. Some ideas are satellite or shortwave broadcast, steganographic email, rate limiting via computational puzzles or captchas, and poisoned IP lists. Suggests that manual email forwarding (chain-letter style) could be used to distribute infrastructure information. They claim that strong anonymity is a requirement for circumvention, in order to protect users. Blocking resistance should be implementable as an "add-on" to an existing standalong anonymity system. They make a prototype implementation as an add-on to the JAP client software for the AN.ON anonymity network. This lets them use their existing network of users as proxies (they contrast with TriangleBoy, which doesn't offer volunteer proxies any benefit for running it). Their implementation follows the "many access points" model, also with connect-back capability. They don't use anything special for content obfuscation. Their admittedly weak information distribution mechanism is SMTP with captcha. Feamster2003a Thwarting Web Censorship with Untrusted Messenger Discovery Has two main ideas: 1. a specific proxy distribution strategy called "keyspace hopping." 2. the insight that "proxy addresses" can actually just be dumb untrusted forwarders ("messengers") to a trusted proxy ("portal"). Each client gets to learn only a small random subset of the total pool of proxies. Each client only gets a few proxies; each proxy only serves a few clients. (This protects clients from censor-operated proxies and protects proxies from censor-operated clients.) Each client's personal subset of proxies is independent from other clients'. To achieve this, they use "in-band" proxy discovery: the discovery is codified as part of the protocol and proxies themselves participate in it. (This is a change in thinking from Feamster2002a, which emphasized out-of-band discovery.) Proxy assignment is based on a long-term client IP (e.g. the client's IP address or subnet). On top of that, client puzzles limit the rate of proxy discovery. Details of keyspace hopping. Each proxy has a permanent unique ProxyID (such as a hash of its IP address). There's a globally globally known list of the ProxyIDs of existing proxies (this implies that it can't be possible to reverse a ProxyID into an IP address). There's a global constant |S_i| for the number of proxies each client gets to know about. The first time the client enters the system and requests its proxies, it is assigned a random value hkey, shared between the client and all the proxies. hkey and the ClientID are hashed together to determine the client's unchanging base index B_i. The client's subset of proxies are in the |S_i| consecutive indices starting at B_i. (These are all the proxies the client will ever know, until the system is reinitialized.) The client only uses one at a time: during each time epoch t, the client chooses one using a pseudorandom generator seeded with ClientID, hkey, and t. Because hkey is shared between the client and the proxies, each proxy knows which subset of clients it's supposed to be serving, and so it ignores requests from all others. "Ignore" is not defined; I took it to mean blocked by e.g. a firewall rule. The very first proxy discovery is out of band, through a social network or something. The notation in Section 2.2 could be improved. |S_i| should be just a number S: S_i is never used as a set, so you only need to know the parameter controlling its size, and then you don't have to index it by i because it's the same for all clients. On the other hand, hkey should be indexed by i because it's different for all clients. |P| could just be P. In the text, ProxyID is a hash output (e.g. a 160-bit value), but in the "equations," ProxyID_t,i is an index between 0 and |P|−1. The client bootstraps by finding any available proxy and contacting it for the first time. This is when the client gets its hkey value and learns the IP addresses of its subset of proxies. The information is hidden inside a computational puzzle. They're envisioning really hard puzzles, taking like a day to solve. Puzzles are necessary because they assume that the censor can spoof any IP address inside its domain. The analysis of puzzles is a little questionable. "If we design the system so that it is difficult enough to solve each puzzle (e.g., a day per puzzle), then it will take the censor almost 200 years to discover half of the proxies." But each user only has one computer, while censor has many and can parallelize. Even if the censor has the equivalent of 100 PCs, then the "200 years" calculation only holds if normal users take 100 days to solve one puzzle. The authors don't say it outright, but it's important for the assignment of hkey to be synchronous. That is, you shouldn't be able for a client to run the initialization more than once. Otherwise there's a powerful discovery attack. Assume an attacker only knows one proxy IP address. It connects and does initialization, learning |S_i| additional proxy IP addresses. Now, from a different IP address, it simultaneously connects to all the newly discovered proxies and initializes with all of them. Each proxy assigns an independent hkey and a set of |S_i| more proxies. So controlling two IP addresses gets you not 2|S_i| proxies, but ≈|S_i|². Three IP addresses get you ≈|S_i|³, etc. The problem is solved if proxies instantly propagate their clientIP→hkey mapping to *all* other proxies, preventing simultaneous initialization from the same IP address. The paper understates this, saying only that hkey must be shared with the proxies in the client's assigned set: "The proxy that assigns hkey must also inform the other proxies in the client's proxy set." The design for untrusted messengers is fairly straightforward. You need an additional layer of encryption so the messenger can't see what you're browsing. They sketch proposals: modifications to Infranet, or SSL in SSL. The untrusted messengers only know the hkeys of the clients they're supposed to serve, and don't know the full list of proxy IP addresses. Only the trusted portals hold the complete state. McLachlan2009a On the risks of serving whenever you surf: Vulnerabilities in Tor's blocking resistance design Addresses question 8.3 from tor-techreport-2006-11-001: what effects on anonymity result from acting as a bridge at the same time you are using Tor. Weaknesses in the bridge design lead to a deanonymization attack against users who simultaneously use Tor locally ("surf") and operate a bridge for others to use ("serve"; e.g., how bridge mode in Vidalia used to work). The attack takes advantage of three flaws in the bridge model: 1. bridges are easy to find 2. bridge accepts connections while its owner is active 3. bridge traffic interferes with local SOCKS traffic (circuit clogging) The attack scenario is that a server that can link multiple visits (e.g. a pseudonymous forum) wants to know the IP address of one of its users. The attack proceeds in three phases: discovery: build as large a list of candidate bridges as possible winnowing: eliminate bridge candidates (long-term intersection) confirmation: circuit clogging against remaining candidates Phases 2 and 3 have been used before but not for this purpose. For discovery, they used Tor itself to scrape BridgeDB from many address prefixes. (Way 1 from tor-techreport-2006-11-001.) BridgeDB did not, at that time, put all Tor exits under one pseudo-prefix. They found 247 bridges that way, scraping once per week for 2 weeks. A separate scrape from 47 open proxies got 129 bridges. They mention, but don't do, other possibilities for discovery: Internet-wide scans (way 6) and running a middle relay and connecting back to any host that connects to you (way 5). Suggested mitigations. Decouple surf and serve. Bucket all anonymous services from the BridgeDB point of view. Client proofs of bridge identity (anti–active probing). Listen on random ports. Unfair queueing that partitions local SOCKS connections from bridge connections and handles only one type during a particular timeslice. I'm not clear on whether it was every actually common for bridges to be running under the surf+serve model. Section 3.1 says "Since the bridge design envisions most Tor clients as bridge operators, the initiator will be in this set with reasonable probability." Matic2017a Dissecting Tor Bridges: a Security Evaluation of Their Private and Public Infrastructures Examines many aspects of Tor bridges circa April 2016 using public data: CollecTor and Censys/Shodan, along with a small amount of their own port scans. The presentation is a little disjointed but they pack a lot in. They discover a number of public and private (not reporting to the bridge authority) bridges and analyze various statistics. They also dig into default bridges and pluggable transports. Their procedure for discovering bridges was: search Censys/Shodan for Tor's distinctive certificate CNs; these are candidate bridges check the candidates' IP addresses in Collector to filter out relays connect to each candidate to verify its bridge-ness compare the bridge's descriptor IP address to the Censys/Shodan IP address (finds forwarders) check the bridges' fingerprints in CollecTor to see if each is public or private This discovery procedure only works for vanilla ORPorts, not pluggable transports. However it is effective because of two Tor bugs: pluggable transport bridges cannot hide their ORPort (, and CollecTor does not (did not) obfuscate ports as it did IP addresses ( They discovered and verified 1,239 public bridge IP addresses, 694 private bridge IP addresses, and 645 proxies that were not bridges themselves but forwarded to some other bridge or relay. They found thousands of odd bridges with the nickname "Ki" which changed their fingerprint every hour. I happened to also notice the "Ki" bridges at about the same time: They find it necessary to subdivide bridges into "active" (with the Running flag set) and "inactive"; and also whether they ever served at least one client. Most bridges are short-lived and never serve even one client. The median lifetime of active bridges with ≥1 client is 4 months; median overall is less than 1 day. Of the active bridges with ≥1 client, 84% have only 1 IP address, and the rest have more. The top 3 ORPorts (443, 8443, 9001) constitute 71% of all ORPorts; "Ki" uses an ORPort of 444, which makes up another 11%. Between Censys and Shodan, they got scans for ports 443, 993, 995, 444, 8443, 9001, and 9002. 90% of users use default bridges, which are trivial to block—although the distribution varies by country. The most popular transport is surprisingly still vanilla; 77% of all bridges. The most popular PT combination is obfs3+obfs4+scramblesuit, which may be a problem because obfs3's susceptibility to active probing endangers the other transports. When a new PT is deployed, its number of bridges reaches a stable 1K–2K after 4–12 months. For a few countries, counted how many bridge users, how many default bridge users. Smits2011a BridgeSPA: Improving Tor Bridges with Single Packet Authorization BridgeSPA is a port knocking system based on SilentKnock, encoding a MAC into the ISN and Timestamp fields of TCP. It replaces SilentKnock's per-client counters with a rounded timestamp included in the MAC (server and clients need loosely synchronized clocks). The secret for each bridge changes periodically (every 1–7 days), so clients will have to continue contacting the bridge authority to refresh it. I initially thought that their main goal was the prevention of bridge discovery by scanning. But actually, their concern is not bridge blocking, but rather confirmation attacks in the style of McLachlan2009a. They assume that the bridge addresses are known, and the goal is to prevent an adversary from knowing the specific times when the bridge is online. Nevertheless, it also protects against scanning. They have an implementation for Linux using libnetfilter_queue. Aase2012a Whiskey, Weed, and Wukan on the World Wide Web: On Measuring Censors' Resources and Motivations Look at three cases studies of censorship through the lens of a censor's motivation, resources, and time. These three elements of censorship are difficult to analyze, but, the authors argue, essential. Case study 1: public wi-fi. They made an app to test URL blocking and ran it in various places in Albuquerque; e.g. the public library, Wendy's, Starbucks. They found blocking on a few networks, in the categories pornography, gambling, alcohol & tobacco, and peer-to-peer. Case study 2: microblogging in China (Weibo). Used China Digital Times's sensitive keywords list. Search censorship is more aggressive than post censorship (you can post some keywords that you cannot search for). The blocking is somewhat stateful: "法ccc轮" ("fa-ccc-lun") is not blocked unless you already searched "法轮" ("falun") and had it blocked. Comments on posts were less censored than the posts themselves. The keyword "乌坎" ("wukan") was censored during only a narrow time range in December 2011, for about one week starting with the onset of protests in Wukan. Case study 3: chat programs in China. They reverse-engineered SinaUC chat and compared its blocklist to that of TOM-Skype (previously analyzed in Knockel2011a). SinaUC's list was not updated for current events as TOM-Skype's was. "We had assumed that censors are fully motivated to block content and the censored are fully motivated to disseminate it." Instead, they found in the case of the chat programs that clearly there was some intention to censor, but no central or unifying guidance as to precisely how. They observe an "intern effect" where it looks like the lists were assembled without much care or expertise. SinaUC's list may be partly motivated by anti-spam rather than pure censorship. Weibo censorship is easier to assign a motivation to, with specific keywords consistent with known censorship policies. Some open wi-fi blocking has a clear motivation (pornography in the library), others not so much (gambling in a fast food restaurant?). Resource limitations were apparent in Weibo censorship. Perhaps the reason that posts are less censored than searches is that censoring posts is more resource-intensive, therefore it cannot be done as well. Failure to censor comments may also be caused by limited human resources. Topics that are likely to be the target of censorship are timely. The censorship of "Wukan" during the time of the protests may have been an effort to get ahead of the rumor/news cycle. Once that was accomplished, the keyword could be unblocked again. Zhu2013a The Velocity of Censorship: High-Fidelity Detection of Microblog Post Deletions Looks at post deletions on Sina Weibo: how long they last before being deleted and what topics tend to be deleted more. Their data set is 2M public posts from July–September 2012 made by about 3,500 users who tend to post on sensitive topics. They also have a set of 470M posts from the generic public timeline--they only use this latter set to identify popular topics. They poll for new posts at a high rate, enabling them to know of a post's deletion within two minutes, which is more precise than previous work which was hours at best. They found a side channel that distinguishes censored posts from those that were deleted by their author. They use the information to make guesses about the censor's methods and priorities. 30% of deleted posts were deleted in first 5–30 minutes; 90% were deleted in their first 24 hours. But some posts survive for days or weeks. This seems to show that once the censors know about a topic to censor, they delete all the old posts with it, and thereafter try to keep abreast of new posts. There are automated filters that prevent you from even making certain posts. Users who have more censor-deleted posts also have a lower average post lifetime, but it is ambiguous whether it is because those users are being more closely watched. Using NLP, they extract topics from posts and compare deletion speed with topics. The fastest-deleted posts are those about "hot topics": topics that are also popular among the larger set of public posts. Deletions occur around the clock, but there are fewer from about 0:00 to 8:00. Posts made in the late night/early morning last longer, perhaps because the censors are working through a backlog that has accumulated overnight. King2012a How Censorship in China Allows Government Criticism but Silences Collective Expression Analysis of censored (deleted) blog posts during the first half of 2011. Initially I thought their thesis was that posts that are likely to cause collective action are more likely to be censored than posts that merely criticize the government. But actually it is one step removed: posts that are made during a real-world event that has the potential to cause collective action are more likely to be censored. That is, the collective action potential is not a property of the post, but of the *event* going on when the post was made. "Our central hypothesis is that the government censors *all* posts in topic areas during volume bursts that discuss events with collective action potential. That is, the censors do not judge whether individual posts have collective action potential... Instead, we hypothesize that the censors make the much easier judgment, about whether the posts are on topics associated with events that have collective action potential..." The description of their methodology was a little unclear to me. Here is what I interpret. They identified 85 topics and scraped only the posts falling into one of those topics (apparently using some kind of keyword→topic map). The sources were 1,382 domestic blog-type sites. They then--separately for each of the 85 topics--identified volume bursts (87 bursts in total) in posts for that topic. They found a real-world cause (such as a news event) to explain each burst, and say that the cause was never ambiguous. They placed each event into one of five categories: 1) collective action potential 2) criticism of the censors 3) pornography 4) government policies 5) other news (everything else). (This categorization doesn't make total sense to me. It seems like an event could fall into one category, but only one event--the Fang Binxing shoe-throwing incident--seemed to their coders to belong in more than one. I'm guessing the categories were made up after looking at the events, because I don't see a reason to pick out those four categories plus "other", a priori. It's also weird that four of the categories don't have a pro or con slant, but "criticism of the censors" is explicitly con.) Volume bursts have a higher rate of censorship than other times. Even outside of volume bursts, pornography and criticism of censors have high rates of deletion. Government policies and other news had low rates of deletion at other times. Events with potential for collective action are on average more censored than other types of events. (They say that they looked for volume bursts in each topic individually, but the time series plots Figs. 5, 6, 7 are not labeled with a topic--maybe they show the sum of all posts during that time?) They do some kind of supervised learning (Appendix B) to classify posts as being either pro- or anti-government, and do not find that rates of censorship differ. (Except, presumably, in the case of anti-censor posts.) Most deletions happen in the first 24 hours, although some happen days later (consistent with Zhu2013a). The authors are impressed by the fast deletions. They say that "different Internet content providers first need to come to a decision about what to censor in each situation," a statement I don't find fully justified, because they don't compare e.g. deletion rates across different providers, only in aggregate. They describe a "military-like precision" and apparent heavy use of manual human effort, in contrasts to Aase2012a, which says that there is an apparent lack of central control and a high degree of automation. Tokachu2006a The Not-So-Great Firewall of China Says the Great Firewall uses two techniques: DNS poisoning and RST injection. The firewall is stateless and cannot drop packets. The author's impression is that it's a "lowest bidder" system with many flaws. Reckons that the censorship is vastly expensive, and that if Chinese people knew how much it cost, the "economy would collapse in a matter of hours." Only a few "very, very, very naughty" domains are blocked by DNS poisoning. DNS poisoning only affects port 53. Describes how you can test for DNS injection even from outside of China, like Lowe2007a, Anonymous2014a, and Farnan2016a later did. Shows a packet trace that purports to show fake DNS replies along with "a few random ICMP messages": 0.000000 -> DNS Standard query A 0.288963 -> DNS Standard query response A 0.289482 -> DNS Standard query response A 0.289838 -> DNS Standard query response A 0.290374 -> DNS Standard query response A 0.290732 -> DNS Standard query response A 0.290757 -> ICMP destination unreachable (Port unreachable) 0.291311 -> DNS Standard query response A 0.291337 -> ICMP destination unreachable (Port unreachable) But the ICMP messages are from the client, not the server or the firewall. (Presumably they are caused by some of the DNS responses, like maybe some of the responses went to weird ports.) TCP RST followed by temporary timeout for TCP packets containing forbidden keywords. Keywords are encoded in ASCII or GB2312. Keywords encoded in UTF-8 don't get noticed. Mentions the possibility of spoofing a source address in order to cut off someone else's Internet. TTLs of forged packets are too high. Says a tool called covertsession (, that uses the urgent pointer to cause the firewall to mis-parse packets, gets past the filter without any kernel-level modifications. Google's in-house censorship of searches processes the text of queries differently than does their backend search processes. Specifically, you can send a query using fullwidth characters "keyword": it won't be caught by the censor filters, and the backend will treat it the same as "keyword". Narain2014a Deniable Liaisons DenaLi is a system for covert communication within a local wireless network. It works by sending deliberately corrupted wi-fi frames. Alice corrupts a fraction of her frames in such a way that they will be dropped by the eavesdropping access point, but Bob, who is within wireless range and with whom Alice shares a secret, can recognize them and decrypt their contents. The idea is like Rivest's chaffing and winnowing. The corrupted frames should belong to a TLS of similar flow, so that they already look random. Each corrupted frame is actually a MACed ciphertext. They try to match distribution of naturally occurring corrupted frames: errors tend to occur in bursts, and bits later in a frame are more likely to be corrupted. They need the adversary to be some distance away, in order for the number of corrupted frames to be plausible. Even if the adversary can detect the presence of extra corrupted frames, thereby detecting the use of DenaLi, it cannot find out who the intended recipient is. Confidentiality comes from encryption. Blocking the system would require require radio jamming. They made a prototype. It only works with certain wireless cards; most do not allow you to send bad checksums. Wang2017a Your State is Not Mine: A Closer Look at Evading Stateful Internet Censorship Looks at the monitor capabilities of the GFW, in the tradition of Khattak2013a. The firewall has improved since 2013, and some of the old evasions no longer work. From 11 vantage points in China, they test various evasions' average success rates in reaching some real web servers (pulled from Alexa, containing blocked keywords). Applying no evasion gets you a 2.8% success rate. But even trying to be evasive succeeds much less often than 100%. This is because of changes in the GFW, and interference by middleboxes. That is the importance of testing against real web servers across a diversity of routes: some techniques get past the GFW (bad checksum, IP fragments) but are foiled elsewhere by middleboxes. The GFW has two different kinds of RST injection, which seem independent. They found a new "re-synchronization state" of the firewall, caused by multiple SYNs or SYN/ACKs with unmatched sequence numbers. The firewall does not trust the first number, but resynchonizes itself when it sees a data-carrying packet (or a SYN/ACK, in the case that the re-synchronization state was entered because of multiple SYNs). The new state provides a new way to desynchronize the firewall: send multiple SYNs, then send a TTL-limited data packet with the wrong sequence number, then continue with the right sequence numbers--the firewall doesn't resynchonize itself again after the data packet. Another way to mess up the state is for the client to send SYN/ACK first; the firewall will think the client is the server and ignore its later SYN packet. They mined the source code of Linux 4.4 to identify packets that lead to an ignore state, then tested them all against the GFW to find which ones it did not ignore. Doing so, they found two new kinds of useful injections: RST/ACK with incorrect ACK number, and packets with an unsolicited MD5 options. Both of these are ignored by Linux 4.4, but honored by the firewall, and can, for instance, be used to tear down a connection from the firewall's point of view. Built an INTANG tool that tests and remembers best evasion strategy for each destination. Converts DNS over UDP to DNS over TCP. Gives 90+% success rates. Active probing of Tor bridges now causes the whole IP to be blocked (Section 7.3), different from Clayton2006a, Winter2012a. Pearce2017a Augur: Internet-Wide Detection of Connectivity Disruptions Augur, a tool for the global and continuous measurement of TCP connectivity. Builds on Ensafi2015a, using a hybrid idle scan that can distinguish inbound and outbound blocking, without needing to control either endpoint. In order to avoid implicating people, they only use "infrastructure" hosts that are two hops back from the end of CAIDA Ark traceroutes, which reduces pool of potential reflectors from 22M to 53K. To determine blocking, they use sequential hypothesis testing on a random variable representing acceleration (or not) of the IP ID counter. Acceleration works because it has a zero mean in the steady state. They tested Augur in 180 (or 179?) countries over 17 days. They checked against public block lists and Tor bridges, finding blocking as expected. There are different levels of blocking within a country. Pearce2017b Global Measurement of DNS Manipulation Describes Iris, a system to test for DNS manipulation globally. It doesn't require volunteers like other measurement platforms; rather it uses open DNS resolvers. There are many reasons why DNS results may differ around the world, so they employ two detection metrics to decide when a set of measurements constitutes manipulation: consistency: answers should be the same or similar from multiple locations with respect to IP address, AS and AS name, HTTP content, TLS certificate, and PTR records pointing to CDN. independent verifiability: comparison with other information sources like the names in TLS certificates. They put restrictions on what resolvers they can use for ethical reasons, to reduce the risk that some innocent person will be implicated in the course of someone else's research. A lot of open resolvers are just people's home devices. They try to use only "infrastructure" resolvers by looking at the reverse DNS for strings like "ns". Another part of ethical measurement is managing load so as not to hit any resolver or network too hard in a short time. They test the Citizen Lab list, plus a random subset of the Alexa 10K. They give a a list of the most commonly manipulated domains, which includes gambling, porn, and filesharing sites. Nasr2017a The Waterfall of Liberty: Decoy Routing Circumvention that Resists Routing Attacks Presents Waterfall, a downstream-only decoy routing design. Waterfall's decoy routers only need to see traffic in the server→client direction. The intuition is that it's much harder for a censor to control routes in, compared to routes out (Routing Around Decoys attack). It uses features of TCP, HTTP and TLS. Requires pre-registration by each client. Out of band (e.g. by email), the client has to send out a bundle of connection identifiers. A connection is a TCP ISN, a TLS nonce, TLS keys, and a keypair for communication with the decoy router. A client sends perhaps 1000 of such connection identifiers at a time; each identifier is good for one session, and the client has to send more when they run out. The decoy routers look for TCP connections with a previously registered ISN (in the server's SYN/ACK, reflected from the client), then MITMs the TLS connection. It can MITM because the client has previously revealed what secrets it's going to use, and the nonce which the decoy router doesn't get to see because it's upstream-only. The client sends data upstream using HTTP reflection tricks: 404 pages that reflect the included path (20% of Alexa top 10K), or 3XX hostname canonicalization (Location header reflecting path; 50% of Alexa top 10K). The decoy router sends data downstream by replacing the contents of TLS records by ciphertext encrypted using a key from the connection identifier. The client side uses an overt user simulator, like Slitheen. Waterfall takes the approach of requesting previously cached pages, so it can replace more than just leaf content. They invent downstream analogs of Routing Around Decoys attacks and decide that they are even more expensive than the original upstream ones.